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The Point Arena Odd Fellow were proud to support this 2010 Grand Patriarch of California, Charter Member of Mendocino Encampment #420 Brian K Riehl. Click here to view a PDF of the 2010 Grand Patriarch Itinerary.

A Word from the Grand Patriarch

If we look to the history of Odd Fellowship here in the U.S. It can be gleaned that our Order flourished on its own when it provided sick and death benefits. Until the order, probably at the national level, can somehow encourage that kind of participation in the day-to-day lives of Americans there will be only so much our membership in our Encampments can do to encourage new life long membership. Yet my message will still be about increasing our membership. First let me thank all of you for continuing your membership in the Encampment. If you all were not still here I could not be where I am right now. In this action you have already accomplished one of my requests of you, to jump the generation gap.

It has been over 150 years that the I.O.O.F. has existed in the U.S. Throughout that history can be seen many of the Order's changes, it's evolution into the organization we are a part of today. In fact the Encampment and the Patriarchs Militant themselves are relatively new in the Odd Fellows historical chain-of-events that has lead to this moment. In order to survive into the future we must once again change to better mesh with todays contemporary social and cultural environment. As idealogical “Elders” of Odd Fellowship, as our title of Patriarch implies, I believe that this kind of change needs to be encouraged from our branch whenever possible.

I know that each unit is different and that most Encampments don't own property and therefore have no real source of income. I know that some of my ideas to increase our membership cannot be implemented by every Encampment so I have decided to put forward several suggestions in hopes that at least one of them is relevant to your unit(s) as part of my overall program.

First when you purchase one of my pins you will be supporting the Rose Float, the Youth Camp, and the Point Arena Skate-park. The Point Arena Skate-Park has been an ongoing project for over a decade in Point Arena. The City has already paid for plans and engineering through grants and currently holds some $8000.00 that local youth have raised towards its construction. Monies raised will be split equally between the three projects that I am supporting.

Second I ask that each Encampment as a unit take on one of the following projects. Some are more involved than others so please pick the one best suited for your Unit(s).

Adopt-A-Unit. Specifically a subordinate unit. We need to help our subordinate units first in order to increase membership in our branch. As a unit talk with a D.D.G.M. about a troubled lodge and offer to help implement the Grand Masters Program. I know all of you are familiar with Grand Master Kramers program ( if not ask your District Deputy for his instruction manual for this year) and you may even remember the S.G.L. Membership program presented by Brothers Lang and Kramer a couple of years back. Take this information and, if appropriate, present it at your visitation. Or help conduct degree work. If you have more time and resources, please consider helping that failing unit to hold or attend an appropriate public function that may help them gain public recognition to directly increase their membership. Ask what their community needs from them in order to attract members and help them to the best of your ability to make it come to fruition. Consider picking a Lodge close to you and/or your Encampments Officers so that you can easily consider making multiple visits as a body. I am requesting that you mail a greeting to me along with a letter giving me the name and location of the unit you have chosen to Adopt so that it may be proudly announced at the 2010 Grand Encampment sessions. Under no circumstances are you to step on the District Deputies feet simply ask to help. I understand this is an unorthodox request but if you feel you could effect true progress for a unit with this suggestion I beg you to Adopt-A-Unit.

Community Service. Adopt or create a special service that your Encampment can provide or in conjunction with your local Lodge provide your local community. Like a High School Scholarship fund.

Visit as a body. Encourage your Encampment(s) to make at least one visit this year to a subordinate Lodge meeting or Lodge function. Please wear your fez and appropriate regalia and be prepared to explain the the Encampment branch. The Scholarships we offer, the Odd fellows projects we support etc.. Bring applications for membership as well as a petition to Charter a new encampment.

Be present. Attend a local public function or festivity as body wearing appropriate regalia and fez. Make it an event that the Odd Fellows don't already participate in. Concerts, graduations, fairs, parades, sporting events, historical society meetings. Keep it non-political and non-denominational. Any where that will cause people to ask you to explain your Fez and the Order. Preferably places with a broad age range in attendance. Your answers should focus on what we as Odd Fellows offer overall. So be familiar with the National, State, and any local level programs. Focus on things that benefit the member or their family “you can get scholarships for your children”, “we support a UN pilgrimage”, “we have a rummage sale locally” etc.

Create a Legislative think tank to modernize our ritual. Again as “Patriarchs” we should as a branch lead the way toward modernization and thereby relevance to the citizens of California. Shouldn't we as ritualistic elders of Odd Fellowship be creating the legislation that will create the future of the Order. Creating longer terms for State Officers or implementing new membership programs are ideas I've heard discussed at Grand Encampment already. Whatever you come up with should be introduced at Grand Sessions next year.

Thank you again for your service to this Order and no matter what you do remember to be a spokesman for Odd Fellowship. Remember to wear your fez or regalia, bring a camera with you, and report your progress to me or to the California Odd Fellow/ Rebecka magazine.

In Faith, Hope, & Charity

Brian Riehl
Grand Patriarch

PO Box 538 Point Arena, Ca. 95468